November 1976
Company Establishment
The company established in Amagasaki, Hyogo prefecture.
August 1979
Move of the headquarter
The headquarter moved to Handa city in Aichi Prefecture.
January 1985
Relocation of the headquarter
The headquarter relocated to Taketoyo, Chita-gun, Aichi Prefecture.
April 1985
Open a new factory in Handa City
Handa factory opened in Handa city, Aichi Prefecture.
July 1986
Open a development department
Opened a new development department.
March 1988
Development of sensor gauges
Developed sensor gauges.
July 1989
Expansion of the office
The office area in the headquarter was expanded.
October 1989
Relocation of Handa Factory
Handa factory was relocated due to new divisions of Ironwork and CAD/CAM .
February 2006
Open a new factory in Taketoyo-Cho
Taketoyo factory opened in Taketoyo-Cho, Aichi Prefecture.
May 2010
Building strength up of the ironwork division
Honan Giken Co., Ltd. was merged and acquired to strengthen the ironwork division.
August 2016
Contract of the after-sales service business with FOOKE GmbH
Made a contract of the after-service business in Japan with FOOKE GmbH.
April 2017
Development of the sensitive sensor gauge
Developed the sensitive sensor gauge.
April 2018
Open a new sales office
Opened a new business office in Muruska Sobota, R. of Slovenia.
December 2019
Contract of the after-sales service business with OLIGO Lichttechnik GmbH
Made a contract of the after-service business in Japan with OLIGO Lichttechnik GmbH.
March 2020
New opening the demo center of FOOKE’s ENDURA machine.
Opened the demo center of FOOKE’s ENDURA machine.
October 2020
New open the demo center of OLIGO’s Lightning Tunnel
Opened the demo center of OLIGO’s Lightning Tunnel.